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Video Q&A with Nikki Nixon of #FlipMyFunnel on Marketing in the Attention Economy

Recently, we curated The Attention Economy – The Impact of Attention Scarcity on Modern Marketing. In this eBook, we asked 12 modern marketers to share their best practices for winning the battle for their buyers’ attention. To broaden the discussion and keep the conversation going, we’re reaching out to other marketing and sales leaders with five quick questions on marketing effectively in the Attention Economy.

Nikki Nixon of #FlipMyFunnel fame recently sat down with our own Chris Vandermarel for a wide-ranging video chat about the challenges marketers face in capturing and holding on to buyer attention today.

We hope you’ll take 10 minutes and have a listen to Nikki’s insights on the evolving role of micro-content, personalization and video, how some marketers are still living in the stone age when it comes to channels, content and attention, and why “no one expects B2B to be on Snapchat or Facebook Live.”

Here are a few highlights from Nikki’s Fast Five interview:

“There are so many channels that are competing for people’s attention now, and I still get emails in my inbox that look like a novel – like anyone has time to read that! Give me an email that’s got a few bullet points in it and just kind of get to the point.”

“You can get away with longer form content if it’s personalized and relevant. The worst thing you can do as a marketer is not have personalized content and then also have long-form content that nobody cares about or wants to read.”

Nikki also calls out marketers for trying to say “too much at once” in their emails and on their landing pages and not providing a clear, focused CTA: “Hey, click on this, and by the way, download this eBook, and attend this event. My attention doesn’t know where to go. What exactly do you want your buyer to do when they land on this piece of content?”

View the Fast Five Video Q&A
Watch the full video for more insights from Nikki Nixon.

Nikki Nixon is Director of #FlipMyFunnel, a badass, vendor-agnostic community for Account-Based Marketing, Sales and Customer Success, and Hustler at Terminus. A passionate marketing technologist, Nikki is constantly thinking of ways that marketing and technology can work together to better engage and excite consumers and drive them down the path to conversion.