How HG Insights Leveraged PathFactory and Marketo for Deeper Buyer Insights

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The Results With PathFactory


lift in demo request form fill rates


lift in engagement time


increase in binge rate


Form fills weren’t an indicator of true content engagement

HG Insights provides data-driven insights to help businesses launch go-to-market strategies, capture market share, and scale with velocity.

Their newly-expanded Demand Generation team wanted to drive more engagement with prospects. The team hosts monthly webinars and publishes market reports, which they share with their audience through email drip campaigns. However, their existing approach of gating these assets behind Marketo forms had limitations. Although they knew when a lead completed a form fill, they lacked a deeper view into audience engagement beyond this point, and a way to encourage additional content consumption.

HG Insights recognized the need to delve deeper into their audience’s behaviour and preferences. The conventional approach of capturing leads through forms provided only basic information and didn’t give the Demand Generation team a comprehensive view of how audiences interacted with their content or an opportunity for them to access complementary assets. This posed a challenge to delivering a comprehensive experience and effectively nurturing their prospects.


Elevate engagement with PathFactory’s Marketo integration

Through its integration with Marketo, PathFactory provided granular insights into binge rates, content consumption patterns, and overall content journey. HG Insights could now understand how their audience engaged with their assets beyond the initial form fill and trigger subsequent campaigns in Marketo based on that engagement.

In addition, HG Insights used Javascript provided by PathFactory to implement a simplified demo request form. The form auto-filled the contact’s information based on the tracked Marketo link they used to land on the content track, eliminating the need to resupply their information.

PathFactory enabled the team to serve up curated content tracks for each market report promotional campaign with the updated demo call-to-action. Engagement with these tracks informed Sales team follow up outreach and provided insight for the marketing team when choosing topics for future market reports and supplemental assets to create. This function regularly saves the HG Insights marketing team considerable time and effort month over month.

The success of these tracks led to Sales asking for the creation of 1:1 ABM-style account level target tracks and Explore Pages for use in individual outreach. This effort equipped the Sales team with bespoke marketing materials in an effective and scalable way. They could easily compile tracks with multiple assets and integrate a meeting scheduler to facilitate meaningful interactions with clients – quickly.

About HG Insights

HG Insights, the provider of data-driven insights to 90% of tech companies in the Fortune 100, is your go-to-market Technology Intelligence partner.

HG uses advanced insights into Technology Intelligence — on IT spend, technographics, cloud usage, intent signals, Functional Area Intelligence, and contract details — to provide global B2B companies with a better way to analyze markets and target prospects. Their customers achieve unprecedented results in their marketing and sales programs thanks to the indexing of billions of unstructured documents each day with insights into product adoption, usage, spend data, and more to build high-resolution maps of activity across an organization’s entire digital infrastructure to power business decisions with precision and confidence. Learn more at

“Prior to PathFactory, we sent prospects to generic target tracks which didn’t drive compelling engagement. Thanks to the integration between PathFactory and Marketo, we can provide an improved, tailored experience for each of our target accounts.”
Julia Brocato
Senior Marketing Programs Manager
HG Insights

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