How OSIsoft Used PathFactory to Maintain a 4.7 CSAT Score


Increase in content consumption


binge rate (visitors who consumed another asset)


CSAT score — no decrease through transition


Delivering content to manage change, on a global scale

OSIsoft was transitioning from an older technical support website to a modern self-service Customer Portal. Carmen knew she needed a way to empower customers to educate themselves during and after the launch. She also knew that scale was going to be the key to success, since she was serving global customers in multiple languages. To uphold OSIsoft’s stellar support stats through this change, she needed a data set to allow her to monitor content consumption, and optimize content offerings to address key issues.


Bundling related content for a seamless customer experience

When Carmen and the team launched my OSIsoft, she used PathFactory Content Tracks too quickly and easily bundle related resources together—sparing customers from having to go on a scavenger hunt to access relevant content. PathFactory allowed her to replicate the same Content Tracks in different languages to efficiently support a global audience. Using content consumption data from Path Analytics, Carmen could see which topics are generating the most engagement, helping her set the direction for future content production.

“PathFactory solved a critical problem for us. We now know whether or not our content is getting consumed, which allows us to optimize our nurture program to get more engagement from every touch.”
Jennifer Valentine
Sr. Marketing Operations Manager